GoCo Health Innovation City chooses Smart Travel Habits when they welcome actors to the area

Katharina Paoli BrunatDigital services and projects

GoCo Health Innovation City is a billion investment in new research and development environments in connection to AstraZeneca’s facility in Mölndal. The vision is to create a place with the potential to take global leadership in Life Science and health innovation. The upcoming signature building, GoCo House, will be completed by the end of the year, and a large number of visitors and tenants are expected to the site and are welcomed with Smart Travel Habits. New habits for sustainable … Read More

We welcome 3 new coworkers – meet Maria, Payam, and Lena

Katharina Paoli BrunatNudgd

We are very happy to welcome our three new coworkers! Get to know Maria Novik, Payam Shaker, and Lena Soehle by reading their interviews below. We appreciate that so many want to do an internship with us, we believe it is important to collaborate with the academy. Maria Novik is our Project Assistant from Stockholm. Maria will strengthen the team’s competence regarding sustainable solutions to environmental issues with her education in environmental science. Maria’s passion, creative joy, and ability to … Read More

Smart Travel habits will reduce car commuting on Gotland

Katharina Paoli BrunatDigital services and projects

Smart Travel Habits helps employees to travel more sustainably. Nudgd is now also developing an automatic tool for evaluating each employee’s potential to travel more actively, which will lead to 10% fewer car rides to work. The project is carried out together with Region Gotland within the framework of Energy Pilot Gotland 3 and is financed by the Swedish Energy Agency. “Exploring and raising Gotlanders’ travel habits together with Nudgd is very interesting. In the climate and energy change that … Read More

Health and sustainability in focus when Uppsala municipality returns to the workplace with Smart Travel Habits

Katharina Paoli BrunatDigital services and projects

Uppsala municipality is once again taking advantage of the fresh start effect. With the return to workplaces during the post-pandemic, Uppsala Municipality wants to make it easier for their coworkers to travel climate-friendly to and from work, at work, and in their free time. Smart Travel Habits has previously helped newly relocated residents in Uppsala to travel climate-friendly. This time, the coworkers at the City Planning Office are the first in Uppsala municipality to be offered Smart Travel Habits. The … Read More

A new nudge will make soccer players reduce the environmental impact of artificial turf

Katharina Paoli BrunatDigital services and projects, Nudging

Soccer players spread tons of rubber granules in the environment each year. The rubber granules – the round, small rubber pieces in artificial turf – contribute to higher utilization and better playing qualities. But the granules have a negative environmental impact if they spread outside the fields. Players, coaches, and other individuals staying on artificial turf are responsible for most of the rubber granule spreading. The reason is that it sticks to clothes and shoes. The spreading equates to tons … Read More

Welcoming our new Communications Associate, Kerstin!

Katharina Paoli BrunatNudgd

Hi Kerstin, welcome to our team! Hi and thank you! I’m very excited to be a part of Nudgd, I have received a warm welcome and I think the team is outstanding in every way! Why do you think it is interesting to work with sustainability? During my studies, I have often had the UN Agenda 2030 as a starting point in my work. It was almost a given to continue on that track. Thus, it’s no coincidence that I … Read More

These are the best working nudges

Katharina Paoli BrunatNudging

New research confirms the effects of nudges: nudging works. On all target groups. Nudging has an effect regardless of who you aim it at. However, there is a difference between different nudges. Some work a little better than others. Drawing on 200 studies on behavioral interventions, a new meta-analysis shows that nudges overall promote behavior change with a small to medium effect size. Nudges targeting decision structure outperform nudges targeting decision information or decision assistance. This means that pre-arranged settings, … Read More

Nudgd is selected as finalist in The Climate Smart Cities Challenge

Katharina Paoli BrunatDigital services and projects, Nudgd

200 applied. 45 shortlisted and 9 were selected as finalists for Curitiba, Brazil. Our platform Smart Nudges Mobility is one of the selected solutions that will contribute to zero-carbon neighborhoods in the city of Curitiba. – I’m so proud and honored that Nudgd has been selected for this important challenge. Behavioral change is key to creating climate-smart cities. We’re looking forward to making sustainable choices easy for the residents of Curitiba, says Katharina Paoli, CEO at Nudgd. The Climate Smart … Read More

Nudging makes it easier for Svenska Bostäder’s tenants to sort their waste

Katharina Paoli BrunatDigital services and projects, Nudgd

Svenska Bostäder - Skyltnudge

Svenska Bostäder och Nudgd has received funding from Avfall Sverige to increase recycling and improve order in the housing company’s recycling rooms. Avfall Sverige is the municipalities’ industry organization within waste management. They have recently launched a new sign system that will make it easier to sort waste correctly. Svenska Bostäder will now use the new signs in its properties. In connection with this, they also want to test nudging for behavior change.