Uppsala municipality is once again taking advantage of the fresh start effect. With the return to workplaces during the post-pandemic, Uppsala Municipality wants to make it easier for their coworkers to travel climate-friendly to and from work, at work, and in their free time. Smart Travel Habits has previously helped newly relocated residents in Uppsala to travel climate-friendly.
This time, the coworkers at the City Planning Office are the first in Uppsala municipality to be offered Smart Travel Habits. The reason is that the City Planning Office has moved to new premises and the coworkers need to find new paths to work. This means it will be a double fresh start effect with removed restrictions and a new office location. It provides a perfect opportunity to take advantage of the good habits created during the pandemic and encourage more sustainable travel habits after the pandemic.
“Uppsala Municipality wants to make it easier for the coworkers to travel more sustainably. When more people travel sustainably, we reduce air pollution in Uppsala and get the opportunity to increase everyday exercise. The service is now being tested for the first time by approximately 330 employees at the City Planning Administration. The hope is that it will be well received and then used for more administrations in the municipality.” – Emma Henning, traffic planner and project manager at Uppsala municipality.

Uppsala municipality aims to be a fossil fuel-free welfare municipality by 2030. Therefore a lot of focus is put into sustainable transport solutions. Smart Travel Habits is a part of the development and contributes to lower carbon dioxide emissions.
“Uppsala municipality has really taken advantage of a perfect opportunity to provide extra support to their coworkers with Smart Travel Habits. They are a perfect example of how to help your employees travel more climate-smart. Go Uppsala!” – Natalie Kamra-Kregert, project manager for sustainable mobility and Smart Travel Habits at Nudgd.
Helping employees to travel sustainably benefits both the climate and their health! If you are curious about Smart Travel Habits, you can read more here.
This solution is part of an activity that has received funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). This body of the European Union receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

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