
Smart Nudges

Smart Nudges is a digital platform that promotes new behaviors in areas such as recycling, mobility, food, consumption, and energy. By combining personalized nudges with insights from behavioral science, the platform makes it easy to choose and implement sustainable solutions for your business.

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Areas where Smart Nudges can be applied

Our platform contributes to sustainable behavior change in several critical areas.



Employees, customers, residents, citizens, and visitors are encouraged to choose cycling, walking, public transportation, or carpooling over driving, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions.



By improving recycling and waste management among tenants, employees, and visitors, the purity of recyclables is enhanced, which also reduces waste management costs around recycling stations.



Energy companies use Smart Nudges to encourage their customers to reduce their carbon footprint by decreasing overall energy consumption and alleviating pressure on the energy grid during peak times.



By highlighting locally grown and climate-friendly alternatives, it becomes easier to choose sustainably. Reducing food waste and supporting the reuse of packaging benefits both the planet and the economy.



Water companies can use Smart Nudges to encourage households to reduce water consumption through smart habits such as turning off the tap while brushing teeth and taking shorter showers. This reduces the strain on water resources and wastewater treatment plants.

Can be integrated with


Smart användning av el är avgörande för att nå våra klimatmål. Tjänsten nådde på ett effektivt sätt och med gott resultat flertalet hushåll i kommunen. Vi är väldigt nöjda och kommer utforska fler sätt att utnyttja Nudgd ́s plattform för att främja hållbara beteenden.

– Ragnar Lindén, Hållbarhetsutvecklare på Strängnäs kommun

I Helsingborg försöker vi ständigt utveckla våra metoder för att hjälpa fler att upptäcka fördelarna med aktiva resor. Skolbarn är en särskilt viktig grupp eftersom deras kroppar har ett så stort behov av rörelse. Det var väldigt spännande och lärorikt att testa något nytt tillsammans med Nudgd som har mycket kompetens inom digital nudging.

- Emma Kangas Projektledare miljöförvaltningen, Helsingborgs stad

Att utforska och lyfta gotlänningarnas resvanor tillsammans med Nudgd är jätteintressant. I den klimat- och energiomställning som vi behöver göra spelar våra val och beteenden en nyckelroll

– Emelie Waktel, Trafikplanerare på Region Gotland.


The users of Smart Nudges

In 2022, Smart Nudges Mobility contributed to a 14% reduction in car usage on Gotland, surpassing the goal of 10%! More than 30% of users reported that Smart Nudges Mobility influenced their choice of transportation.

In a pilot project with the City of Helsingborg, Smart Nudges showed promising results for sustainable school trips.
2,400 parents and school staff from 25 schools were involved. 39% changed or planned to change to more active modes of transportation, exceeding the 30% goal.

With Smart Nudges Energy, we encouraged 10,000 households to adopt sustainable energy behaviors. The results showed that 40% took sustainable actions, 12% switched to fossil-free electricity contracts, 10% to time-of-use pricing contracts, and 56% saved energy.

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Book an introductory meeting

Are you considering if nudging could potentially help your organization? Then you've come to the right place! Let's start with a free introductory meeting so we can explore together if this method is suitable for you!


Choose a date and time from the calendar to book an introductory meeting with one of our nudging experts.