Nudgd participates in Swedish-German sustainability initiative!

Dimitra PietaDigital services and projects, Nudgd, Nudging

We are thrilled to announce that Nudgd has been selected to participate in the Swedish-German Cleantech Platform (SGCP) for 2025! This accelerator program, organized by the Swedish Energy Agency in collaboration with the German-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, offers an exciting opportunity to continue our goal of making cities more sustainable and making a meaningful difference.

This is not our first project in Germany. In 2024 we shared behavioral insights on mobility behaviors both together with Digital Mobility Hub at UnternehmerTUM in Munich and as partner to the REALLOCATE project. In collaboration with the city of Heidelberg, we recently facilitated a workshop to tackle behavioral challenges in low-traffic zones. The insights gained from this effort highlight the importance of cross-border collaboration, and we look forward to applying similar approaches to drive impactful and scalable change through the Swedish-German Cleantech Platform.

Visit to Heidelberg for the REALLOCATE project.

Through this program, we are eager to learn from experts, connect with stakeholders, and refine our platform addressing sustainability challenges. The Smart Nudges platform is designed to boost behavioral change and empower individuals to make more climate-friendly choices in their daily lives. We are looking forward to collaborating with German partners and exploring how our expertise and platform can support efforts to reduce emissions and promote sustainable solutions.

City of Heidelberg, Germany

To not miss any of our updates, follow us on our Linkedin or subscribe to our newsletter as we take part in this opportunity to make sustainable choices easy in Germany.

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