Sales Manager, Nudgd
Hi David, welcome to our team!
Hello and thank you very much! Nice to have such a warm and wonderful welcome!
Why do you find it interesting to work with sustainability?
First of all, social justice has always been an important aspect for me, where I think it is important to try to have a mindset of not taking things for granted, but appreciating what you have on a deeper level. Increased interest and knowledge has then led to a more sustainable lifestyle at various levels, while a desire emerged to also work on something interesting and meaningful that could also contribute to a sustainable and more positive approach to the world.
What made you interested in nudging and behavioral science in the first place?
The concept of nudging and behavioral science are new areas for me, but this is what attracted me and caught my interest in the hiring process, as I always try to keep an open mind about learning new things. Later, when I quickly understood the link to people’s behavior in different ways and the positive impact nudging can have, it was a no-brainer to take on the challenge with the team. I have always had a warm interest in people and relationships in different ways, while being passionate about giving people opportunities to grow in different ways through a friendly nudge in the right direction!
What added value can you bring to the organization?
I believe and hope to contribute by spreading information about Nudging in an effective way to companies and organizations that want to help create a healthier planet in different ways. This by creating valuable and long-term relationships with Nudgd as a company, something I have always done during my career in different positions. In addition to this, also come in with new thoughts and experience from similar companies, be able to provide input and suggestions on how to start a good sales process to grow as a company and thus increase the possibility of achieving the mission of becoming a global player in Nudging. Then I will always bring a positive mindset, which I will try to spread as far as possible, and be a team player who tries to ensure that the whole team grows together in the right direction!
Which is your favorite nudge and why?
The starting point is always to try to treat other people in the way that you yourself would like to be treated in different situations, which for me then also increases empathy between people automatically, I think. By simple and small means, pleasing others with a smile or greeting some unknown elderly person, usually gives me many unexpected and happy responses in the form of a big smile back, and I am convinced that it affects some people’s day positively, and that it spreads to other people/situations. In other words, small means can lead to important and bigger changes than one might initially think.
What do you do when you are not working?
Then I spend time with my wonderful wife and daughter, go out a lot as part of nature, meet friends whenever possible. Also working on an ongoing house project to create our future home.
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